Data dictionary (for v1)
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
currency | String | Yes | The three-character ISO-4217 currency code. Max. length: 3 characters. |
value | String | Yes | A string that encloses a positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit(e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge $100, a zero-decimal currency). Max. length: 16 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
redirectionUrl | String | No | The URL of redirect. Max. length: 4096 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
terminalType | String | No | The terminal type of this request. Enum: [ MINI_APP, APP, WEB, WAP, SYSTEM ] |
osType | String | No | OS type. Enum: [ IOS, ANDROID ] |
userAgent | String | No | User agent. Max. length: 1024 characters. |
deviceTokenId | String | No | Token ID of the device. Max. length: 128 characters. |
clientIp | String | No | IP address of the client device. Max. length: 128 characters. |
cookieId | String | No | User cookie ID. Max. length: 128 characters. |
storeTerminalId | String | No | The store terminal ID. Max. length: 64 characters. |
storeTerminal RequestTime | String/Datetime | No | The store terminal request time. Max. length: 32 characters. |
extendInfo | String | No | Extend info. Max. length: 2048 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
userId | String | No | The hashed unique identifier allocated for user. Max. length: 64 characters. |
status | String | No | User status, Enum: "ACTIVE", "FROZEN", "INACTIVE" Max. length: 32 characters. |
nickName | String | No | Nick name. Max. length: 256 characters. |
userName | No | User name, fullName and (firstName,middleName,lastName) can not both empty. | |
userAddresses | Array<Address> | No | The user's address information. |
avatar | String | No | Avatar url. Max. length: 256 characters. |
gender | String | No | F: female; M: Male. Max. length: 32 characters. |
birthDate | String/Datetime | No | Birth date which follows the ISO 8601 standard. Max. length: 32 characters. |
nationality | String | No | Nationality, alpha-2 code according to ISO3166. e.g. JP, US. Max. length: 32 characters. |
loginIdInfos | Array<LoginIdInfo> | No | A list of user login IDs. |
contactInfos | Array<ContactInfo> | No | A list of contact information. |
extendInfo | String | No | The extend information,wallet and merchant can put extend info here. Max. length: 4096 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
loginIdType | String | Yes | The types of Login ID:
Max. length: 64 characters. |
hashLoginId | String | No | Hash login ID that identifies an Max. length: 256 characters. |
loginId | String | No | The Login ID for this user |
maskLoginId | String | Yes | The masked Login Id for |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
contactType | String | Yes | The followings are contact types that are available to all users:
Tips: Developer can add new types, but should consider the compatibility. Max. length: 32 characters. |
contactNo | String | Yes | The value that corresponds to the contact type that is configured in the Max. length: 64 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
paymentMethodType | String | Yes | Payment method type, used to identifier a payment method. Max. length: 32 characters. |
paymentMethodId | String | No | The uniqueId of a customer belong to a paymentMethod. Max. length: 128 characters. |
paymentMethodMetaData | String | No | The payment method metadata. Max. length: 2048 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
resultStatus | String | No | Result status. Valid values are:
resultCode | String | No | Result code. Max. length: 64 characters. |
resultMessage | String | No | Result message that describes the result code in details. Max. length: 256 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
fullName | String | No | Full Name. Max. length: 128 characters. |
firstName | String | No | First Name. Max. length: 32 characters. |
secondName | String | No | SecondName Max. length: 32 characters. |
thirdName | String | No | Third Name. Max. length: 32 characters. |
lastName | String | No | Last Name. Max. length: 32 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
orderDescription | String | Yes | Description of the order used to display user consumption records, etc. Max. length: 256 characters. |
merchant | No | Merchant information. | |
goods | Array<Good> | No | Goods information. |
shipping | No | Shipping information. | |
buyer | Yes | Buyer information. It is optional only for Agreement Pay scenario. | |
env | No | The order environment information, such as the device information. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
transactionType | String | Yes | Transaction type for each subsequent payment activity. |
transactionId | String | Yes | The unique ID assigned by wallet to identify a transaction. When the transaction type is CAPTURE, the value of this field is identical to captureId. When the transaction type is VOID, the value of this field is identical to voidId. |
transactionStatus | String | No | Transaction status type. |
transactionAmount | Amount | Yes | Transaction amount. When the transaction type is CAPTURE, the value of this field is identical to captureAmount. When the transaction type is VOID, the value of this field is identical to voidAmount. |
transactionTime | Date | No | Transaction time |
isLastCapture | String | No | Only for capture transaction |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
referenceMerchantId | String | No | Merchant ID. Max. length: 32 characters. |
merchantMCC | String | Yes | Merchant MCC ( merchant category code). Max. length: 32 characters. |
merchantName | String | No | Name of Merchant. Max. length: 256 characters. |
store | No | Merchant store. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
country | String | Yes | County, e.g. CHN Max. length: 32 characters. |
region | String | Yes | Alpha-2 code according to ISO3166. e.g. JP, US. Max. length: 2 characters. |
state | String | No | State/County/Province. Max. length: 8 characters. |
city | String | No | City/District/Suburb/Town/Village. Max. length: 32 characters. |
address1 | String | No | Address line 1(Street address/PO Box/Company name). Max. length: 256 characters. |
address2 | String | No | Address line 2(Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building). Max. length: 256 characters. |
zipCode | String | No | ZIP or postal code. Max. length: 32 characters. |
extendInfo | String | No | Extend info. Max. length: 2048 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
referenceStoreId | String | No | The unique ID assigned by wallet to identify a store. Max. length: 64 characters. |
externalStoreId | String | No | The store belongs to a merchant, and the ID assigned by the corresponding merchant to the store is unique under the merchant. Max. length: 64 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
referenceGoodsId | String | Yes | Unique ID of goods. Max. length: 64 characters. |
goodsName | String | Yes | Name of goods. Max. length: 256 characters. |
goodsCategory | String | No | Category of goods. Max. length: 256 characters. |
goodsUnitAmount | Yes | Order amount for display of user consumption records, payment results page. | |
goodsQuantity | String | No | Quantity of goods. Max. length: 32 characters. |
goodsUrl | String | No | Goods url. Max. length: 512 characters. |
extendInfo | String | No | The extend information of goods. Max. length: 2048 characters. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
shippingId | String | Yes | Shipping id. Max. length: 64 characters. |
shippingName | Yes | Shipping name. | |
shippingAddress | Yes | Shipping address. | |
shippingCarrier | String | No | The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. Max. length: 128 characters. |
shippingPhoneNo | String | No | Recipient PhoneNo(including extension). Max. length: 16 characters. |
shippingFee | No | Shipping fee. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
referenceBuyerId | String | Yes | Unique Identification of buyer. Max. length: 32 characters. |
buyerName | No | Buyer name. |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
templateParameters | Map<String,String> | Yes | A string-to-string mapping. The data structure is in JSON format:
, where:
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
method | String | No | The HTTP method. The value is |
parameters | String | No | The parameters that are required for the HTTP method, which is in the Max. length: 2048 characters. |
redirectUrl | String | Yes | The URL of redirect. Max. length: 2048 characters. |
Property | Data Type | Required | Description |
messageId | String | Yes | The unique ID is generated by Mini Program Platform to identify a notification.
Note: This field is an API idempotency field. For the notifications which are sent with the same See the Idempotency for details about API idempotency. |
customerId | String | Yes | The unique ID is generated by the native app to identify a user. Example: 218820000000000000023. Maximum length: 32 characters. |
messageChannel | Yes | The channels to send a notification, including push, SMS, and Inbox. | |
templateCode | String | No | Indicates the template ID that is generated by Mini Program Platform to identify a template.
messageContent | String | Yes | The specific content that a notification to send. Maximum length: 4096 characters.
{ "en-US": { "title": "testTitle", "content": "testContent", "linkUrl": "testUrl" }, "zh-CN": { "title": "testTitle", "content": "testContent", "linkUrl": "testUrl" } }
{ "en-US": { "content": "this is sms content" }, "zh-CN": { "content": "this is sms content" } }
{ "en-US": { "displayType": "inbox_item_content", "header": { "appIcon": "icon url", "appName": "icon name", "msgBizName": "test_biz", "target": { "path": "header link url" } }, "body": { "title": "message title", "content": "message content", "target": { "path": "message path url" } }, "footer": [ { "linkName": "link name", "target": { "path": "header link url" } } ] }, "zh-CN": { "displayType": "inbox_item_content", "header": { "appIcon": "icon url", "appName": "icon name", "msgBizName": "test_biz", "target": { "path": "header link url" } }, "body": { "title": "message title", "content": "message content", "target": { "path": "message path url" } }, "footer": [ { "linkName": "link name", "target": { "path": "header link url" } } ] } } |
extendInfo | String | No | The extended information.
Property | Data Type | Required | Description |
messageId | String | Yes | The unique ID is generated by Mini Program Platform to identify a notification.
Note: This field is an API idempotency field. For the notifications which are sent with the same See the Idempotency for details about API idempotency. |
success | Boolean | Yes | Indicates whether the notification is successfully sent to the native app. Valid values are:
retry | Boolean | No | Indicates whether the native app allows you to retry when the notification fails to send. Valid values are:
Note: This field is required when the value of the |
Property | Data type | Required | Description |
userId | String | Yes | Result code Max. length: 128 characters. |
loginIdInfos | Array<LoginIdInfo> | Yes | Login id info list |
userName | No | User official name in English | |
userNameArabic | No | User official name in Arabic | |
avatar | String | No | User head portrait Max. length: 256 characters. |
gender | String | No | F: Female; M: Male Max. length: 32 characters. |
birthDate | String/Datetime | No | Birthday which follows the ISO 8601 standard. Max. length: 32 characters. |
nationality | String | No | Nationality, alpha-2 code according to ISO3166. e.g. JP, CN. Max. length: 2 characters. |
contactInfos | Array<ContactInfo> | No | Contact info list |
Key | Description |
IOS | iOS. |
ANDROID | Android. |
Key | Description |
BALANCE | Balance. |
COUPON | Coupon. |
CREDIT_CARD | Credit Card. |
DEBIT_CARD | Debit Card. |
Key | Description |
MINI_APP | Mini program. |
APP | Mobile Application. |
WEB | Broswer Web. |
WAP | Mobile Wap. |
SYSTEM | System Call. |
Key | Description |