CanvasContext Overview
Name | Description |
CanvasContext.addColorStop | Add a circular gradient point. |
CanvasContext.arc | Draw arc. |
CanvasContext.beginPath | Start to create a path, must use fill or stroke to fill or stroke the path. |
CanvasContext.bezierCurveTo | Create cubic Bezier curve path. |
CanvasContext.clearRect | Clear the content in the rect. |
CanvasContext.clip | Set the created path as clipped path. |
CanvasContext.closePath | Close a path. |
CanvasContext.createCircularGradient | Create a circular gradient point, the start point is the center of the circle and the end point is the ring. |
CanvasContext.createLinearGradient | Create a linear gradient. |
CanvasContext.draw | Draw the description in the context such as path, style to the canvas. |
CanvasContext.drawImage | Draw the image, and the image keeps the original size information. |
CanvasContext.fill | Fill the current path. |
CanvasContext.fillRect | Fill the rect. |
CanvasContext.fillText | Fill the text in the canvas. |
CanvasContext.getImageData | Get the pixel data of the implicit area of the canvas. |
CanvasContext.lineTo | Add a new point, and line the last specified point to the new point. |
CanvasContext.measureText | Measure the size of the text, current only the witch is returned, and it is a synchronous interface. |
CanvasContext.moveTo | Move the path to the specified point, the line will not be created. |
CanvasContext.putImageData | Draw the pixel data into the canvas. |
CanvasContext.quadraticCurveTo | Create a quadratic cubic Bezier curve path. |
CanvasContext.rect | Draw a rect. |
CanvasContext.restore | Restore the saved context. |
CanvasContext.rotate | Set the original point as the center, rotate the coordinate clockwise. The angle will be added if rotate isinvoked multiple times. | | Save the context of the canvas. |
CanvasContext.scale | After the scale is invoked, the horizontal and vertical coordinate of the path created subsequently will be scaled. The scale will be multiplied if scale is invoked multiple times. |
CanvasContext.setFillStyle | Set the color of the fill. |
CanvasContext.setFontSize | Set the font size. |
CanvasContext.setGlobalAlpha | Set the alpha of global brush. |
CanvasContext.setLineCap | Set the end point style of a line. |
CanvasContext.setLineDash | Set the style of dash line. |
CanvasContext.setLineJoin | Set the style of joint of lines. |
CanvasContext.setLineWidth | Set the width of line. |
CanvasContext.setMiterLimit | Set the max miter length. |
CanvasContext.setShadow | Set the style of shadow. |
CanvasContext.setStrokeStyle | Set the style of stroke. |
CanvasContext.setTextAlign | The text align property used to describe text in 2D Canvas API. |
CanvasContext.setTextBaseline | The baseline of current text used to describe text in 2D Canvas API. |
CanvasContext.setTransform | Reset the transform and invoke the transform by unit matrix, the transform is described by the variable of the method. |
CanvasContext.stroke | Draw the stroke, by default is |
CanvasContext.strokeRect | Draw a none-filled rect. |
CanvasContext.toDataURL | Get the data URL of specified area of canvas. |
CanvasContext.toTempFilePath | Export the canvas to an image and return the file path. |
CanvasContext.transform | A method in which a matrix is superimposed multiple times on the current transformation, and the matrix is described by the parameters of the method. You can scale, rotate, move, and tilt the context. |
CanvasContext.translate | Translate the original point of the coordinate. The default original point is the upper-left corner. |